Eixo Atlántico: Porto-Vigo-La Coruña
Lorena Bello Gomez, Ismael Medina Manzano
The project is an integral component of a joint alliance between MIT´s School of Architectureand Planning; ETS Arquitectura, UPM; University of La Coruña; University of Minho; and University of Porto. This alliance will potentially partner with the European Union Interreg Atlantic Area Program, as well as with the European Regional Development Bank, to promote cooperative transnational regional development between Galicia in Spain, and northern Portugal. Our collective efforts aim to help both governments generate a common urban design and planning vision to physically strengthen the link between these two countries with projects constructed along the proposed high-speed rail between La Coruña and Porto -a train that will connect the two cities along the “Eixo Atlántico” (Atlantic Axis) in 160 minutes- as well as with projects along its geographical border, the Miño River. Our international network of built environment experts –formed by planners, architects, urbanists, landscape architects and engineers– will rethink the potential of infrastructural networks to reactivate cultural heritage and landscapes, and the potential of urban design to alleviate climate change and fire risk. Specifically, the proposed collaboration will ensure student and researcher exchange between MIT (SA+P) and the UPM ETSAM to jointly: 1) collect vital information and relevant data; 2) hold expert and public events boosting country-to-country and peer-to-peer collaboration, disseminating information, and engaging the general public, policy-makers, and students; 3) project sustainable and environmentally sensitive future urbanization patterns along this key international corridor; and 4) strategize urban designs for high-speed rail nodes in key cities.
This research is supported by a MIT Global Partnerships Seed Fund Grant