2022 LCAU Seed Grants Explore Digital Urbanism

The 2022 LCAU Seed Grant has been awarded to four interdisciplinary teams from the School of Architecture and Planning for their research tackling digital urbanism. The teams will be exploring blockchain-based social currencies in organizing and creating neighborhood assets in Baltimore; data-driven assessment of low-carbon building foundations at the urban scale; participatory re-blocking in Sub-Saharan Africa; and the geography of femicide and gender-related violence through data action.


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The Geography of Feminicide and Gender-related Violence: Supporting Civil Society Data Action by Catherine D’Ignazio, Silvana Fumega, Helena Suárez Val, Amelia Dogan, Isadora Cruxên, Angeles Martinez Cuba

Drawing Participation: Collectively Re-Blocking a Million Neighborhoods by Nicholas de Monchaux, Carlos Sandoval Olascoaga, Luis Bettencourt

Finding our footing: Data-driven assessment of low-carbon building foundations at the urban scale by Caitlin Mueller, Kiley Feickert

Greenmount Coop by Rafi Segal, Alina Nazmeeva, Greg Lindsay, Stacco Troncoso, Irene Lopez de Vallejo, Marisa Morán Jahn